Say Goodbye to Expired Skincare: A Complete Guide


Are you starting to accumulate an overwhelming amount of skincare products on your vanity? 

We've all been there: staring at a crowded bathroom shelf overflowing with varying sizes of jars of potions. Serums, moisturizers, cleansers – it's enough to make even the most skincare-obsessed person's head spin. But with all those products, a crucial question arises:  when is it time to let go?

Expired products aren't just ineffective – they can also irritate and damage your skin. So, how can you tell if your favorite moisturizer has gone bad? And what about those products you just never seem to get around to using? 

In this article, we’ve created the ultimate guide to help you determine when it’s time to say goodbye to your skincare products and make room for fresher, more effective ones. 

Why Should You Throw Out Expired Skincare Products?

Throwing out skincare products can be hard - especially if they are expensive. But, the truth of the matter is that holding on to these products can be a waste of space, and don’t even think about still using them. 

Many skincare products contain active ingredients formulated to deliver specific benefits. However, these ingredients can degrade over time, rendering them ineffective or even potentially harmful. Microbial growth is a significant concern with expired products. Once a container is opened, exposure to air and moisture creates a favorable environment for bacteria and other microbes to thrive. These microbes can irritate the skin, leading to redness, breakouts, and even allergic reactions.

What’s The Difference Between the Expiration Date and the Period After Opening?

Usually, people tend to toss out their products once they see that it’s past the item’s expiration date or period after opening, but what makes these two different?

  • The expiration date refers to the date by which the unopened product maintains its original effectiveness and safety under proper storage conditions. 

  • The period after opening (PAO Symbol) refers to the symbol, often a jar icon with a number and the letter "M" (e.g., 12M), how long a product remains safe and effective after it's been opened. This number considers factors like exposure to air and potential contamination from fingers or applicators.

How to Know if a Skincare Product is Expired?

While expiration dates and PAO symbols are a great starting point, they're not the only way to tell if your skincare has gone bad. Here are some of the ways you can check if your favorite product is past its prime:

  • If the product has a funky odor, sour smell, or unpleasant scent. 

  • If the texture and consistency of the product have changed.

  • If the color of the product has changed.

  • If your skin experiences irritation.

Making Room for Better Products

Throwing out skincare products can be painful, but just think that you’re making room for new products that can serve your skin better. You can even talk to an esthetician to help you create a skincare routine that fits your skin’s needs, and advise you on the proper use of each skincare product. 

Ready to make way for better skin? Book a consultation with us today!


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