Shine Bright


If you didn’t have time to make some skin resolutions for yourself for 2016, it is not too late to start now. It`s never too late to start!

Let`s create some goals for yourself that will help you achieve the skin you want. We achieve those goals one step at a time, and I am here to help you guide you through the process.

1. We need to get to know your skin!

Skin is constantly changing, and we need to be able to adjust to those changes. What may have been working for you last year may not be working for you now. We need to keep things fresh by tweaking your routine as needed. And let me help with that!

2. Invest in products!

I know buying products can seem like a drag but investing in it will pay off in a long run. You are with your skin for life. Buying the right products is the key and you should let a professional help you with that.

3. Hydrate your skin!

You might be drinking a lot of water but your skin is still feeling dry. are lacking hydration from the outside. Skin will feel hydrated when you drink enough water and you are using hyaluronic acid serum. It is very important to understand that water itself probably won’t work.

4. Fight inflammation from within.

You know that your diet effects your skin health. Acne and rosacea is a result of something going on internally, typically candida. Candida loves cheese, wine, chocolate,… anything starchy. It is tough to eat healthy at times, but very important for your overall health.

5. Schedule a “date” with me!

What keeps your skin happy and glowing? A date with me. Holidays are over, spring is almost here. Time to splurge on a little “me” time. The more you can regularly get in a “date” with me, the happier your skin will be!

6. The last but not least- Step up the protection!

Sun protection is very, very important. Rain or shine, sunscreen must be on! We live in the desert by the ocean and sun is very strong and shines almost every day. Be vise and don’t cheat yourself. I have an amazing SPF for all skin types that is zink based, light, effective and it smells delicious.

There you have it. 6 small steps towards major success, and I am excited to be with you the whole way. If any of these sparked your interest, don’t your appointment with me today.


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