Trust Me, You Need This: the Epidermal Repair Serum for All Skin Types


The Trioxolane Epidermal Repair Serum by Spalina, Inc. possesses so many multi-faceted skin healing effects that it’s like the “kale superfood” of the skin care world! This is largely due to a special, patented, high-powered ingredient, trioxolane. Trioxolane is a super-charged ingredient that permanently repairs changes in skin texture, age spots, enlarged pores, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and inflammation. It also helps repair various types of wounds on the surface of the skin. So, whether you struggle with acne, rosacea, a dull complexion or visible signs of aging, this rejuvenating serum is for you! Of course, I know you’re not naive enough to simply accept these claims without some kind of evidence. Therefore, the rest of this skin care blog post revolves around the scientific evidence proving this trioxolane epidermal repair serum’s unprecedented ability to heal damaged skin and bring a lackluster complexion back to life.

It’s an amazing new product that offers rejuvenation and revitalization to all skin types!

The Best Serum: Overview

  • Trioxolane: The Secret Behind the Transformation

  • How Spela’s Epidermal Repair Serum Works: Strengthen Your Skin’s Immunity & Repair Protein Oxidation

Trioxolane: The Secret Behind the Transformation

Trioxolane is the strongest ingredient in this potent new anti-aging serum, and it rejuvenates the skin for ALL types and a variety of conditions.

In order to be effective, a natural skin care product must have its own unique “superpower ingredients” that work together to achieve a specific goal.

  • For example, Manuka honey is an important part of the Manuka Infused Lipid Cream. But so are the phospholipids, hyaluronic acid, and fatty acids. (Finally, a natural treatment for psoriasis and eczema that works!)

  • Another example is the Antioxidant Line Diffusing Serum. While this anti-aging serum has plenty of good things for your skin, it’s the Vitamin A that’s key. (Talk about the power of an elite Vitamin A serum!)

  • A final example is growth factors. These are the magic behind the Stem Cell Infusion Serum. (Skin Care Fountain of Youth, anyone?)

Now it’s Spalina’s Epidermal Repair Serum’s time to shine! As mentioned above, it’s the trioxolane that’s particularly potent and effective. Trioxolane is a stable oxygen molecule that helps support immunity, repairs and prevents protein oxidation, and helps calm inflammation.

The Transformative Benefits of Spela’s Trioxolane Epidermal Repair Serum

How This Innovative New Serum Repairs & Prevents Protein Oxidation

Put simply, protein oxidation is the natural wearing down of skin health over time. This can result in reddened, blemished, or wrinkled skin. In other words, the amino acids that make up a healthy skin structure decline. When you’re younger, your skin rapidly repairs this kind of malformation. But as you age, your body loses its ability to fight such damage. That’s where trioxolane epidermal repair serum comes in: it actively reverses damage, helping your body complete the natural repair processes.

Due to the healing powers of trioxolane, this serum promotes:

  • Wound healing

  • Reduced redness

  • Rapid relief from blemishes, blackhead, whiteheads, and acne scarring

  • Reversal of the aging process; you’ll experience visibly less lines and wrinkles

  • *Healing of hyperpigmenation, melasma, rosacea, and other amatory diseases

  • A stronger skin moisture barrier

*Often, skin care products contain toxic ingredients (such as hydroquinone) to lighten freckles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. While these may achieve desired results, they can irritate sensitive skin types and have even been linked to skin cancer.

The Epidermal Repair Serum that Strengthens Your Immune System

Since the trioxolane epidermal repair serum is anti-microbial, it strengthens your skin’s immune system by restoring its oxygen fighting power. Because of this, it helps fight internal conditions as well as topical fungal and bacterial infections. Nearly everyone can benefit from this serum.

“Immunity is a hot topic in dermatology right now,” says Joshua Zeichner, MD, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in the Dermatology Department at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “Besides playing a vital role in maintaining hydration, the outer layer of skin also protects the body from free radical damage and infections,” he explains. The skin’s immune system is responsible for fighting off aging attackers like UV rays, dryness, pollution, and stress. While antioxidants (like vitamin C) prevent free radicals from stimulating chain reactions that lead to cell damage, immunity-boosters provide cells with the energy to fend off aggressors, as well as to repair damage after the fact. “When working properly, a healthy skin barrier can protect itself and resist aging,” says Zeichner.  

Grace Gold: Is Your Skin Sick?

Recent studies show that an unhealthy skin barrier may leave you vulnerable to asthma and allergies.

By strengthening the immunity of your skin, you can smooth over wrinkles and lines, get rid of dry skin fast, and enjoy a smoother, more dewy complexion.

How to Start Healing Your Skin’s Immunity Now

In the Southern California area? Call 949-500-7785 to schedule an appointment with Spela and her staff today! You can also book an appointment online.

Ideally, the first step is a personalized consultation from a licensed holistic skin care practitioner. This will help you develop an individualized at-home skin care regimen.

The next important step is to invest in well-respected, professionally formulated natural skin care products. Pair Spela’s new Epidermal Repair Serum with the Epidermal Conditioning Cream for maximum skin barrier health!

The Epidermal Conditioning Cream by Spalina, Inc. is a must for anyone wishing to restore a damaged moisture barrier. Pair it with the new Epidermal Repair Serum for maximum results.


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