What’s In The Air?


If you aren’t already aware, we live in a very dirty world and it’s just getting dirtier. Pollution, exhaust fumes, smoke, extreme weather conditions, and free radicals all have a negative effect on our skin. While we normally remember to protect our skin from the sun, we often forget to protect our skin from what’s all around you…the air.

Here are some facts that you should be aware of:

1. Pollution causes your skin to age prematurely.

It becomes dull, dehydrated and more sensitive. It causes your skin to lose it’s natural elasticity and luminous glow.

Recent dermatological studies as reported in Skin, Inc. show:

  • The formation of lentigines increases with levels of traffic-related air pollution and air pollution-associated gases

  • Study subjects living in more polluted areas have significantly worse skin hydration

  • Study subjects living in more polluted areas show depleted vitamin E and squalene levels in the skin

  • An increase in atmospheric soot is linked with 20 percent more pigment spots on the forehead and cheeks

  • Soot, particles from traffic, and background pollution are associated with a more pronounced nasolabial fold

2. Pollution is always present.

You can’t get away from it. It’s indoors and outdoors and it doesn’t matter which area of the country you live it. That’s why it’s so important to protect your skin with a daily regimen recommended by a professional.

At-home daily skin care is a great way to fight the damage caused by pollution. When coupled with professional treatment, once a month, you have a great plan to keep your skin in tip-top shape. I can customize the perfect solution for you!!

If you need a professional skin evaluation or would like to book an appointment, go to https://spalinaskincare.com. Booking is available 24/7.


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