5 Holistic Skincare Tips for Healthy, Beautiful Skin


Organic, natural, or holistic skincare?

In this day and age where people have more access to information (thank you, internet!), consumers are becoming more and more conscious of the products they buy, often looking for healthier alternatives especially when it comes to the food they eat and products they use on their skin. 

From this, the “organic” and “natural” trend evolved into a movement where the demand for such products is rising, especially in the beauty industry. 

“Holistic” has also become a trendy marketing term that gets thrown around casually, especially when brands are trying to lure people into thinking that something is organic or all-natural and therefore better. This is not always the case though, especially in skincare. 

Contrary to some people’s belief, “holistic” doesn’t necessarily mean organic or natural. 

A product is considered organic if the ingredients used are grown without pesticides, GMOs, chemicals, or artificial fertilizers. It must also have between 95-100% chemical-free ingredients. 

On the other hand, a natural product is usually 50-70% chemical-free and mostly sourced from plants, animal by-products, or minerals. 

What is holistic skincare?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, the word “holistic” means “relating to the whole of something or to the total system instead of just to its parts”. 

Holistic skincare isn’t merely slathering on skincare products in the hopes that your skin problem will go away. Holistic skincare means the practice of taking care of the body from the inside out. 

A holistic approach to skincare is treating the body as a whole (not just the skin) and addressing the root cause of the skin condition which could be because of several factors such as the person’s diet or lifestyle. 

Benefits of holistic skincare

When you choose a holistic approach to your skincare, not only will it remove dirt or impurities from your skin, it will also enhance your epidermal barrier, boost your skin’s immunity to resist environmental trauma, and improve your skin’s overall health. It can also help manage your stress and improve your mood. 

Holistic Skincare Tips

1. Eat Well

This doesn’t mean to eat whatever you please or as much as you please. Instead, be more mindful of the food that you consume.

Eat quality protein such as egg, fish, and meat. This will help strengthen your collagen levels since our body produces collagen by breaking down the protein we eat into amino acids (which then helps form new proteins in our body). 

Just remember that too much of something can also be bad for you so try to balance things out and avoid food that has very high animal protein to avoid gut problems. 

Limit your dairy intake as this can be a possible cause of acne. Make sure you are also eating antioxidant-rich food which helps neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. 

2. Drink water

As cliché as it sounds, water is a crucial part of life and, of course, skincare. Not drinking enough water can make your skin look dull, dry, and wrinkled. 

Water not only refreshes us, but it helps plump up our skin, improves skin’s elasticity, and helps our digestive system flush out toxins from our body, improving our complexion and promoting healthy, glowing skin.

3. Apply sunscreen every day

I cannot stress this enough. Sunscreen plays an important role in protecting our skin. While the sun is a good source of vitamin D, prolonged sun exposure can speed up aging as well as cause skin cancer. 

Make sure you choose a mineral sunscreen as it is better and safer than chemical ones. Spalina Skincare carries 2 types of sunscreen which are the Hydrating Mineral Zinc Oxide SPF 40 and the Mineral Tinted SPF 40 Sunscreen. Both of these sunscreens will give you a beautiful, healthy glow sans the white residue. 

4. Manage your stress levels

There’s a connection between stress and different types of skin problems. For example, you may notice that you break out more when you’re trying to beat a deadline or when you’re feeling overwhelmed with work or life. 

This is because stress causes the body to produce a hormone called “cortisol” a.k.a “stress hormones” which increases the production of oil in our skin, clogging the pores and causing acne flare-ups. 

Stress can also worsen existing skin conditions such as psoriasis and rosacea. 

Some ways to reduce stress are by exercising, meditating, getting better sleep, or allotting some time for yourself. 

5. See an esthetician

More often than not, you will need someone who knows more about the skin than you do and consulting them will benefit you in the long run. 

Plus, visiting an esthetician to help you with your skin condition is also another form of de-stressing especially when going in for facials. 

Spela Hernandez of Spalina Skincare is a licensed esthetician who practices a holistic approach to skincare. For over 15 years, she has helped women with different skin types and concerns achieve their most beautiful and healthy skin. 

And if you can’t make it in person yet? You can book an online consultation here


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