The 5 Skin Types Plus Skincare Tips


One of the worst things you can do to your skin aside from neglecting it is by using products that don’t fit your skin type. 

A lot of people are guilty of this especially now that social media is booming and social sharing is on an all-time high. 

A favorite beauty blogger may have recommended a certain skincare product, and because this influencer appears to have great skin on screen, we immediately think, “sure, why not?” and add to cart. 

Just because one skincare product works great on someone, doesn’t mean it’s also going to do wonders for your skin. For all you know, that influencer’s not really using that particular product he/she is promoting. Plus, not everyone has the same skin type. 

Hence why it’s important to know what skin type YOU have. 

Our skin is the largest organ of the body that acts as a barrier against environmental pollutants. And because of this, we must strengthen this barrier by taking proper care of it. 

Knowing your skin type is the first step in taking better care of it because when you know your skin type, it will be easier for you to determine which skincare product ingredients and treatments will benefit your skin and which ones to steer clear of. 

I’m guessing you have, at some point, wondered what your skin type is, and if you’re still not sure, here’s a guide to help you determine which of the 5 skin types you have, plus tips on how to better take care of your skin based on your skin type. 

Normal Skin 

People with normal skin type typically don’t experience oiliness or dryness on their skin. A normal skin type has well-balanced sebum production and pH levels. 

A lot of people may think that people with this skin type are lucky, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t encounter skin problems. In fact, as someone with a normal skin type ages, their skin can become dry and form wrinkles. 

If you have a normal skin type, make sure you’re always hydrated. It’s also a good idea to get started on an anti-aging regimen even before your skin starts showing signs of aging. 

Spalina Skincare’s AlphaVitality Cleanse is the perfect facial cleanser to clear away blemishes, brighten skin, and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. 

Dry Skin 

People with dry skin experience flakiness and roughness on their skin, almost invisible pores, a feeling of tightness, and dull-looking skin. 

If you have this skin type, make sure you stay hydrated as well. It’s important to moisturize daily to keep it soft and hydrated. 

Spalina Skincare’s Manuka Infused Lipid Creme does wonders for dry skin since it’s fortified with properties from Manuka honey which helps retain moisture with super hydration while gently reducing redness, and softens rough skin. 

Don’t over-cleanse your skin as this might do more harm than good. This Peptide Sensi Cleanse is the best facial cleanser for people with dry and even sensitive skin. It’s a gentle facial cleanser that provides deep, pore cleansing perfect for effectively removing makeup and other impurities. 

Oily Skin 

People with oily skin type tend to be more prone to breakouts, have enlarged pores, and most telling: a shiny, greasy look. 

People with this skin type also tend to over-cleanse their face and sometimes end up using skin-stripping products that do their skin more harm than good (see 7 Ways to Get Oily Skin Under Control for more info). 

If this is you, throw those unforgiving cleansers and get yourself a Biotic Mangosteen Cleanse. It’s the perfect ally in fighting off the grease. It’s gentle yet potent and will leave your skin with a healthy, radiant glow. 

Another common misconception is that people with oily skin should stay away from moisturizers. That is absolutely not true! Especially when you’ve been using harsh cleansers that strip away your skin. This causes your skin to become dehydrated, and since dehydrated skin lacks water, it overcompensates by producing even more oil. 

Opt for moisturizers that are lightweight and oil-free such as Spalina Skincare’s Weightless Probiotic Defense Cream. It’s an unscented, oil-free moisturizer that rejuvenates dry and dehydrated skin. This moisturizer is also designed to heal chapped, dehydrated skin by protecting and repairing damaged skin barrier. 

Combination Skin

People with combination skin have an oily T-zone and normal to dry cheeks. This skin type usually breaks out around the forehead, chin, and nose. 

When caring for combination skin, a gentle facial cleanser is a must. Opt for the Biotic Mangosteen Cleanse.

Use Spalina Skincare’s Lipid Refresh Hydrating Toner which heals dry, parched skin, offering an intense and replenishing hydration to ALL skin types. 

And to improve your skin’s immunity, use the Epidermal Repair Serum. It can revitalize all skin types and permanently repairs inflammation, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and even enlarged pores. It’s also an amazing healer of acne, melasma, and rosacea. You definitely can’t go wrong with this serum!

Sensitive Skin

The term “sensitive skin” is used to describe skin that is more reactive to several different elements such as the weather/climate, skincare products, or even hormones. 

People with sensitive skin have a weaker natural skin barrier causing the nerve endings on the topmost layer of the skin to become easily irritated. 

Some of the signs of sensitive skin are flaking, redness, rashes which may be accompanied by sensations such as itching or burning. 

Some tips for caring for sensitive skin: 

  • Do a patch test before using cosmetics or skincare products. Wait at least 24 hours, and if your skin doesn’t react, then that’s your green light to use the product. 

  • Use a gentle cleanser such as the Peptide Sensi Cleanse which is highly effective at deep cleaning without being harsh on the skin. 

  • As for serum, Spalina Skincare’s Epidermal Repair Serum permanently repairs inflammation and improves skin immunity making it the perfect choice of serum for people with sensitive skin. 

  • Don’t skip out on moisturizer! Spalina Skincare’s Manuka Infused Lipid Creme helps your skin retain moisture, gently reduces redness and softens rough skin. 

One more very important skincare tip that you shouldn’t miss out on, whatever skin type you have, is mineral SUNSCREEN. 

A good sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays and keeps you looking young and healthy. Spalina Skincare carries 2 types of sunscreen: Hydrating Mineral Zinc Oxide SPF 40 and the Mineral Tinted SPF 40. Both of which will give you the right amount of sun protection while keeping your skin hydrated. 

And if you have further skin concerns that you’d like help addressing, feel free to book an online consultation with Spalina Skincare’s licensed esthetician, Spela Hernandez. 

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