Common Skincare Mistakes That Can Damage Your Skin


Everyone wants to have healthy and radiant skin. So, it’s not surprising to hear that most people go into overdrive when it comes to skincare habits, and unfortunately, this does more harm than good.

While exfoliation and switching products to find a holy grail can stem from well-meaning actions, they can cause more harm than good by causing irritations, breakouts, and premature aging. But don’t worry because we’ve made this article to help you become more aware of skincare mistakes that you may be committing unknowingly. We’ll help you avoid these actions and instead, steer you to developing a skincare routine that’s truly nourishing.

Are you ready to learn the secrets of healthy skin? Let’s get started. 

Over exfoliation

First up is over exfoliation. If you’re always out and about, you may think that exfoliating your skin daily is the best way to go about it so you don’t accumulate too much dirt on your pores. You may even consider using exfoliating tools to get more out of your exfoliation process, but this simply isn’t true.

Using abrasive scrubs and exfoliating daily can be very damaging to your skin. It can strip your natural oils, which keep your skin hydrated and protected, and it can also damage your skin’s barrier, leaving it prone to irritation and infection.

Exfoliating your skin is good, but you must do it the right way to maximize its benefits. Click here to read our guide on how to exfoliate your skin the proper way. 

Not using sunscreen

Another skincare faux pas that you should avoid is not using sunscreen daily. 

Yes, even if you’re not going out, you should still use sunscreen because while UVB rays can be blocked by glass, UVA rays can still sneak through your windows. So, if your workspace is near a window, you can still get exposed to the sun.

Using a daily sunscreen that’s zinc-based, like Spalina Skincare’s Hydrating Mineral Zinc Oxide SPF 40 Sunscreen, to ensure that you are protected from the sun.

Not Removing Makeup

If you want to keep your skin healthy, you need to make sure you remove your makeup before you go to sleep - especially oil-based products because it can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Aside from this, it can also dry out your skin by preventing your skin from getting the proper hydration it needs. So, make sure to remove your makeup before you go to sleep just so you also allow your skin to go into repair mode so it can regenerate its cells and tissues. 

Once you remove your makeup with makeup remover, make sure to also use a gentle but deep cleansing product like the Peptide Sensi Cleanse

Changing routines and products too quickly

Another skincare mistake that you may be committing is changing routines and products too quickly. You need to give your skin enough time to adjust to the product you’re using before you can reap its benefits.

It’s also advisable to consult an esthetician as they can help you create a routine that’s uniquely yours so you can solve your skin issues.

Eager to learn more about common skincare issues? Watch what our founder and owner has to say about it here:

3 Skincare Mistakes That Damage Your Skin | Esthetician Skincare Tips


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