Starting Your Holistic Skincare Journey


Do you want to know the secret to healthy and radiant skin? It’s more than just topical solutions. It’s a holistic journey.

Here at Spalina Skincare, we believe that to achieve truly beautiful skin, you’ll treat the body and skin as a whole. This means focusing on nurturing your skin from the inside out to create a harmonious balance between your body, mind, and environment. We tackle skincare from its root, we don’t just address symptoms.

In this article, we’ll tell you all about how you can start your holistic skincare journey and why you need to start focusing on nourishing your body as a whole. 

Take Note of What You Consume

Too often we think that what we consume doesn’t affect our skin, but contrary to that, for years we’ve seen how greasy food and lack of water in our body can affect our skin. So, it’s clear that whatever it is that we consume from supplements to food affects our body.

Feed your skin with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best. Load up on whole foods and fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These types of food are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help protect your skin from damage and promote cell regeneration.

Rest and Relax

When we lack sleep or when we’re stressed, our skin tends to look duller and, at times, we may even have breakouts. This reaction is because our bodies are producing cortisol, which is a hormone that breaks down collagen. 

How do you prevent cortisol from making your skin look duller? Well, it’s easier said than done but it’s really just about getting seven to eight hours of sleep and taking some time to relax.

One way you can manage stress is by performing gua sha on your skin. For years East Asians have used a healing technique that involves scraping the skin to improve circulation, reduce puffiness, diminish the appearance of fine lines, and promote relaxation. This massaging technique can also help your skin absorb skincare products better.

Gua sha allows you to multitask relaxation and skincare. So, why not take it up a notch by purchasing a Rose Quartz Butterfly Gua Sha tool that emits an energy of self-worth and love as you glide across your skin?

Listen to Your Body

Our skin is the largest organ and listening to it will help you keep it at its best. However, when it comes to adding new products to your skincare regimen, you may be surprised to find that it can take a while before any visible changes show up. But as long as you stay patient and keep listening, you’ll soon know whether it’s right for you.

Look for products that will allow your skin to perform at its best while addressing specific issues. However, if you don’t know how to get started with this, you may want to consult an aesthetician to help you get started on learning the signs for your body and picking out the right products for it.

Did you enjoy learning about holistic skincare? Watch this video to learn more about it!


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