Eye Creams Explained: Do They Really Work?


There isn’t a magic spell that will stop the aging process, especially when it comes to completely getting rid of unwanted undereye conditions, but there is a myriad of eye creams on the market that claims to diminish these problems. The question is, are they really as effective as they claim to be, or are eye creams just an overrated myth that’s not necessary to your skincare routine? 

If you are like the many who are tired of dealing with undereye issues and do not know where to start, keep reading. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the truth about eye creams and offer some beneficial tips and recommendations for healthier skin around the eyes. 

What is an eye cream?

The skin under our eyes is very thin, fragile, and sensitive compared to other parts of our face and body. In fact, because it also has fewer oil glands and does many micromovements, such as blinking, smiling, or laughing, this is where we most often see some visible signs of aging. It also tends to become dry and create fine lines and wrinkles. Eye creams are made primarily to target these conditions. It includes skin-restoring and replenishing benefit ingredients to help for hydration and moisturization, reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles, defend against the damage from UV rays, and contains anti-aging ingredients.

Eye Cream Myths

There are also plenty of myths going around the internet, preventing many from actually reaping the benefits of eye creams. Here are just some of them:

Myth #1: Eye creams remove all unwanted eye conditions

If you are looking for a miracle eye cream with unrealistic expectations that it would totally remove dark circles, puffiness, and all the aging signs around your eyes, you won’t find one. Nothing in the market contains an ingredient that can permanently do this. Contrary to what other brands claim, eye creams can only protect, moisturize, nourish, replenish, and minimize the appearance of undereye conditions – but it does not mean they will be gone completely.

Myth #2: Eye creams are the same as moisturizers

Probably one of the main reasons so many people don’t consider investing in eye creams is because they settle with moisturizers for their undereye needs. While some moisturizers contain similar ingredients, the target benefit you may want to reap will not be as specific. They also have a higher concentration that is not suited for undereye sensitivity, which can lead to irritations and may even clog your pores. A product made specifically for a particular area is always safer. 

Myth #3: Eye creams are only needed later in life

Eye creams are necessary long before you feel like it. This is because the fibers in the undereye tear each time due to constant micro movements. It’s recommended that you add it to your routine as early as your twenties. Lack of oil glands with no proper care can also lead to earlier signs of aging.

So Does Eye Cream Make a Difference?

Simply put, it definitely does! The composition of the skin surrounding our eyes is different than the skin on the rest of our body; thus, it requires special care and maintenance, which eye creams are made for. 

Which ingredients should I look for?

All the wondrous things of a product boil down to its ingredients. Although it is still dependent on your skin type and unique needs, there are key ingredients you would most likely want to find as a power player ingredient. Of course, we don’t want something harsh, too concentrated, and causes irritation. When investing in an eye cream, look for these helpful components that are just right for the eyes:

  • Retinols – These Vitamin A derivatives have long been proven with potent anti-aging ingredients and a holy grail of skin restoration.

  • Peptides – Similar to retinol, they stimulate proteins like collagen and elastin but are safer and a more natural option for youthful-looking skin.

  • Antioxidants – These are established ingredients with anti-aging benefits, strengthen the skin and make it more robust, and provide protection from pollution.

  • Ceramides – It helps the skin prevent dehydration and stay moisturized, reducing the cause of dark circles under the eyes, irritated eye skin, crow’s feet, and wrinkles.

  • Caffeine – With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, the right amount of caffeine would be enough to lessen eye puffiness and minimize the appearance of discoloration. If you are a coffee lover, this might sound cool and interesting to know!

Tips for Unwanted Undereye Conditions

There are many factors why we have dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles, and fine lines. Whether it’s because of aging, genetics, lack of sleep, too much digital consumption, skin inflammation, or a cause of external stressors, this can still be minimized! You may first want to identify the cause of why it happens and take some necessary actions. For example, if it’s lack of sleep, you should try your best to maintain a sleep routine to lessen the appearance of dark circles gradually. Removing vices could also be a great step to a healthier eye look.

For best results, trusted products like Spalina Skincare’s Eye Repair Cream PM and Eye Repair Cream for daytime would be the best combination for the delicate skin around the eyes. These are infused with some of the most helpful antioxidants, peptides, and emollients that are proven to give the best results for under eyes! Both are transformative wrinkle removers and deliver a surge of intense hydrations that will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and protected against free radicals.

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