Can Your Hair Products Cause Skin Irritation?


Everything feels better when you’re having a good hair day, wouldn’t you agree? None of us would probably wanna deal with frizzy messy hair. But with the weather warming up, this might be hard to achieve without the power of some hair care products. With so many of them in the market, we often become overwhelmed and fail to make the best choices. 

Your scalp and neck area are the parts of your skin that can develop an allergic reaction to some hair care product just as quickly as you get a rash or red marks from harsh ingredients. The most common allergic reaction is called dermatitis. Because not everyone has the same sensitivity to different ingredients, we also react differently when exposed to them. That said, using hair products unsuitable for your skin or containing harsh chemicals may cause skin irritation. And we don’t want the itch or scars, do we? In this blog post, we’ll talk about the symptoms, preventions, and treatment tips for skin irritation caused by hair care products.

How do you know if you are allergic to a hair product or if it is harmful to your skin?

Once you notice redness, swelling, itching, peeling, hives, blisters, or any form of skin irritations after using a specific product, don’t continue any longer. These allergic reactions are usually found on the skin that your hair constantly touches such as your face, on and behind your ears, and on your neck. Rinsing the product from your scalp can even cause rashes when it runs down your upper back. It means three things: either you are allergic to a certain ingredient/s in the product, it is not suited to your skin type, or the product itself contains harmful chemicals.

How to treat irritated skin?

The first step you would like to do once you feel irritation in your skin is to cut out what causes it! But here’s the thing — if you are like the many self-care enthusiasts who love trying different products, you’re not always sure which is causing the problem. The key is to do some trackbacks and a bit of mental work. You must figure out and be able to pinpoint when you started experiencing skin irritation and remember what you had done or changed in your routine.

Some ingredients you may also want to get rid of that may have caused you irritation include: Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, Para-phenylenediamine, Metals, and Cocamidopropyl Betaine, fragrances, and other allergens that cause dermatitis.

Aside from eliminating harmful ingredients, it is also best not to use additional irritants. For example, avoid spraying anything on affected areas, and don’t let your hair touch these sensitive parts until they heal. During this process, it is advisable that you keep the irritated area/s clean, and use the same skincare products for your face and neck. You can also use  

Spalina Skincare’s Epidermal Repair Serum. Not only does it help reduce inflammation, but it also helps improve your skin’s immunity.  

What can you do to prevent skin irritation?

Here are some ways that can help you prevent skin irritation from hair care products: 

Check the label. As cliche as it may sound, less is more! Stick to hair care products that contain clean ingredients and no harmful chemicals. 

Test the product. If you can, do a patch test on a small area of your skin (preferably on your inner elbow) wait for about 48 to 72 hours, and see what happens. You don’t want to go all-in just to later on damage your skin!

Stop and soothe. Once you experience irritations after using a product, altogether avoid it. Apply some soothing, moisturizing cream to the area and eliminate the product from your routine. You can also try to determine the ingredient that might have caused the irritation so you can avoid it in the future. 

Consult an esthetician. Sometimes, the biggest risk is the act of risking itself. If you want to try something new and make sure it will suit your skin, you should consult a trusted esthetician. Don’t have an esthetician yet? Feel free to book an online consultation with licensed esthetician, Spela Hernandez. 

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